The Examiner’s report into the Redington Frognal Neighbourhood Plan was published on 24.12.20.
The Examination report notes that the Neighbourhood Plan
“is based on an effective programme of public consultation which has informed a Vision to 2045 and six Aims/Objectives. These are translated into 16 planning policies dealing with issues distinct to the locality. The Plan is supported by a Consultation Statement, Basic Conditions Statement and Strategic Environmental and Habitats Regulations Assessment screening opinions. Supporting evidence is provided on most aspects of the Plan, including primary evidence produced during the Plan’s preparation. There is good evidence of community support and the involvement of the local planning authority.”
The Examiner considered the 51 separate representations made on the submitted Plan and
representations on the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations
Assessment screening opinions and addressed them in this report as appropriate.
It was concluded that, subject to the recommended modifications, the modified Plan should proceed to Referendum and that this should be held within the Neighbourhood Area.